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DB Kim Jong-kyu and Seo Min-soo hold fan thank-you events at the cafe

Wonju DB said in a press release on the 28th, "We will provide a cafe fan service on the 29th (Friday) in which Kim Jong-kyu and Seo Min-soo participate."

DB Kim Jong-kyu and Seo Min-soo will hold a fan service event at a cafe (pick and roll) near Wonju Gymnasium from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on the 29th (Friday). The fan service, which involves Kim Jong-kyu and Seo Min-soo, has organized a fan thank-you event to communicate closer to fans who visit the cafe.

DB said, "We have prepared this event to repay Windy's fans for their consistent support until they win the regular league title." On Sunday, the last day of the regular league's home game, the company plans to offer free drinks to members of the 2023-2024 season at its "Pick and Roll" café. For more information, visit DB's social media.
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Thursday, March 28, 2024

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