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'Ghost Fork' Becomes Scareder, Plans to 'Add New Weapons'

Senga Kodai (New York Mets), who succeeded in a soft landing in the Major League with a "ghost fork" as a weapon, is expected to take the mound in the 2024 season with a new weapon.

U.S. SportsNet New York asked Senga if she would be equipped with a new weapon at the start of spring training in 2024 on the 15th (Korea time).

Sena responded with caution, saying, "We're trying to install new weapons, and we're still working on it, so we'll probably find out soon."

In other words, it appears that Senga is currently equipped with a new weapon. This can be interpreted as Senga's attempt to add a new pitch bell.

According to Senga's pitching distribution last year, 36.8 percent of four-seam fastballs, 24.9 percent of cut fastballs, and 23.8 percent of splitters. He also throws sliders and curves.

Senga uses a variety of pitches. In general, a circle changeup is missing from the pitches that pitchers often throw.

Senga made his major league debut with the New York Mets last year and pitched 166 1/3 innings in 29 games, going 12-7 with a 2.98.202 ERA.

As a result, Senga was not only named an all-star, but also placed seventh and second in the National League Cy Young Award and Rookie of the Year voting, respectively. It is having a successful debut season.

Attention is focusing on what new weapon Senga, who is now in his second year in the Major League, will be able to perform better than last year.
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