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Delaware State Air Force Base.

The nation's first all-day academic conference was divided into six panels, but all of them were related to gambling problems by military veterans, drawing the attention of more than a hundred participants. One of the main speakers at the talk was Dr. Heather Chapman, who shed light on gambling disorders, proper treatment methods, and the effects of gambling problems among military members.

Wasserman's main argument was that the number of veterans and soldiers suffering from forced gambling is increasing, and it is estimated that about 10% of U.S. troops are developing into gambling problems, but this issue is not well-publicized, so we decided to address this confusion and draw attention at the meeting.

Wasserman explained that casino operators also perceive gambling addiction as a problem because it has a bad effect on the gaming industry. He drew similarities between gambling and alcohol consumption. Like drinking, a certain percentage of people find it difficult to gamble moderately.

Here, we need to focus on the population of the county where gambling problems appear to be at high risk. The task of the Delaware Gambling Affairs Committee is to provide information on addiction prevention, as well as how to seek help and receive treatment, with a special emphasis on programs tailored to the needs of the veteran community.

Veteran veterans of past gambling addiction shared their challenges and successes, with one of the speakers being Dave Yeager, a former soldier who has served 11 years in the U.S. Army, and author of a book about the way to fight and recover from gambling addiction.

The former military officer is confident that the nature of military life itself is a prerequisite for addiction development, and one of the reasons veterans are at high risk of this is that gambling seems to be the outlet for some veterans because the military system is very systematic and soldiers struggle to find an exit once they get back to normal life.

Also, the latest statistics have been somewhat worrying, as they have shown that about 10 percent of American veterans suffer from gambling addiction. Fifty-six thousand soldiers still on active duty are suffering from gambling problems. Mr. Wawman (pictured above next to Mr. Yager) said the consequences were worrisome, as the addiction not only negatively affected soldiers' lives, but also posed a threat to national security.

He explained that problem gamblers are more vulnerable because they are obsessed with finding the funds they need to fuel their addiction. Unfortunately, soldiers are often related to characteristics such as discipline, courage, and power, which is why their sensitivity to developing problems is not noticed.

In addition to encouraging and helping veterans, the Delaware Gamblers Council's program focuses on helping addicts' friends and families become aware of the symptoms of compulsive gambling. It is also very important to support soldiers suffering from gambling addiction on the way to recovery.

March seems to be the right time to host the conference, as it is a month devoted to U.S. gambling addiction awareness. 2018 is the 14th annual problem gambling awareness month hosted by the National Problem Gambling Council. This year's focus is on public dialogue and more serious discussions regarding compulsive gambling, which is estimated to cost $6.7 billion annually in the United States.
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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

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