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Macau casinos ban hiring foreign employees

Early next year, we will introduce new measures to reduce the prevalence of foreign workers employed to serve as middle and senior managers at many casinos in the city.

It came to light during a question-and-answer session with former Portuguese colonial legislative council members on Wednesday by Macau Chief Executive Fernando Cui Sion.

The government will now 'strictly evaluate' all applications for importing employees from overseas based on the current economic situation and encourage large companies such as casino operators to start hiring larger numbers of domestic workers.

About 82 percent of the middle and senior management roles within the Macau casino industry were taken up by indigenous people in 2014, but the government hopes the new policy will increase this rate to at least 85 percent.

Chui reportedly said his administration intends to thoroughly review the ratio of local and foreign workers when casinos complete or open their second phase of development, and further ask for better training opportunities for their Macau employees so that operators can better climb the company's ladder.

He also reiterated his idea of using foreign workers only when local talent is scarce and said he would work to improve the mechanism by which non-native workers are promoted when non-native workers are removed from the Macau labor market after the contract expires.

His administration will begin asking casino operators to specify how long they expect foreign employees to continue to occupy certain middle and senior management positions while trying to reduce income and renewal of applications for non-native workers.
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Saturday, October 7, 2023

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